Saturday, 27 October 2012

Interesting conference about sediments of aquatic environment

We plan to participate in 7th conference of Sediments of streams and reservoirs (Sedimenty vodných tokov a nádrží), which will take place on 22-23th May in Bratislava. The coordinator of this event is Slovak Water Research Institute (Výzkumný ústav vodného hospodárstva), Slovak Water Management Institute ZSVTS (Slovenská vodohospodárska spoločnosť ZSVTS). One of scope covers sedimentology processes in streams and reservoirs and thus, our prepared contributions will deal with recent research in sediment fluxes and sediment transport modelling in Beskydian gravel-bed rivers and headwater streams.

Information about the conference together with the firts circular are published in Slovak language here:

Monday, 15 October 2012

Processes and Patterns in Highly Dynamic Mountain Fluvial Systems

International Field Seminar 2 - 4 June, 2012 Stará Lesná (Slovakia) - Zakopane (Poland)

Guidance Bartłomiej Wyżga, Joanna Zawiejska and Milan Lehotský.

In June from 2nd to 4th took place meeting of fluvial geomorphologists from Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania and United Kingdom of Great Britain. Main aim was presentation of researches and recent environmental problems of Carpathian mountain streams. Prof. Bartłomiej Wyżga, dr. Joanna Zawiejska and dr. Milan Lehotský were main guidance.

 Fig. 1: Belá River - site Vavrišovo, impact of a small hydropower plant construction on the river channel evolution (Photo by: Galia, T.) 

Fig. 2: Czarny Dunajec River - site Wróblówka - environment-friendly reduction of flood risk in a mountain river (Photo by: Škarpich, V.)

Fig. 3: Raba River - erodible corridor as a restoration technique for mountain rivers (Photo by: Galia, T.).

Report (in czech) about field seminar in bulletin "Information of The Czech Geographic Society" here.