About us

This website presents the research of fluvial group of the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava. The main aim of this website is to inform about our research of fluvial systems, especially in the Czech Republic (with special attention to the Czech part of the Western Carpathian region), and their management. We try to identify main bad approaches in the river management preventing from better hydromorphological stage of rivers in the Czech Republic and provide solutions to restore geomorphic functions of fluvial systems.

Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Jan Hradecký, Ph.D.

Email: jan.hradecky@osu.cz

Research interests: 
Geomorphological regime of Carpathian rivers, gravel-bed rivers, acceleration of river incision, paleoenvironmental record in fluvial sediments, human impact on rivers, river restoration.

ResearchGate - link
Google Scholar - link

RNDr. Tomáš Galia, Ph.D.


Email: tomas.galia@osu.cz

Research interests:
Channel-reach geometry and morphology, instream wood, bedload transport in steep headwater streams, hillslope-channel sediment fluxes, bedload transport and morphological changes in gravel-bed rivers, restoration of gravel-bed streams.

ResearchGate - link
Google Scholar - link

RNDr. Václav Škarpich, Ph.D.

Email: Vaclav.Skarpich@osu.cz

Research interests:
Geomorphology of gravel-bed river systems, fluvial (dis)connectivity, problematic of river incision, sedimentology, restoration and management of gravel bed rivers.

ResearchGate - link
Google Scholar - link

Mgr. Stanislav Ruman


Email: stanislav.ruman@osu.cz

Research interests:
1D and 2D hydraulic modelling, rainfall-runoff modelling, flood risk assessment and uncertain data in hydrological models.

ResearchGate - link

Mgr. Tereza Macurová

Email: tereza.macurova@osu.cz

Research interests:
Geomorphology of mountain fluvial systems, sediment transport, fluvio-geomorphological mapping, river restoration.

ResearchGate - link

Mgr. Zuzana Polednikova

Email: zuzana.polednikova@osu.cz

Research interests:
Ecosystem services and river restoration, human impact on the river, development of the river in the urban area and its perception.

Mgr. Lukáš Vaverka

Email: Lukas.Vaverka@osu.cz

Research interests:
Fluvial geomorphology, sedimentology, river confluence zone - hydrodynamics, morphology and sediment transport.

ResearchGate - link

Mgr. et Mgr. Petr Krpec


Email: petr.krpec@osu.cz

Research interests:
Ecohydrology, application of hydrological/hydraulic modeling in fluvial processes research.

Mgr. Ivan Smažák


Email: ivan.smazak@osu.cz

Research interests:

fluvial geomorphology, problematic of check-dam structures of headwater and mountain streams

Mgr. Adriana Holušová

Email: adriana.holusova@osu.cz

Research interests:

fluvial geomorphology, problematic of deposition form in channels

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