- Student grant competition of the University of Ostrava (SGS02/PřF/2019-2020) - Quaternary development and contemporary state of Central European landscape in the context of geohazard action, effects of anthropopressure, and climate changes.
- "Fluvial-geomorphic analysis of gravel bars in the Labe reach from Střekov to state border".
- Alternatives of the Černá Ostravice River restoration in Beskydy Protected Landscape Area (in cooperation with the Union for the Morava River).
- Grant Agency of the Czech Forestry, S.E. – Bedload transport of small streams, proj. nr. 92.
- Podpora zvýšení připravenosti studentů OU na výkon profese a zvýšení jejich konkurenceschopnosti na trhu práce (spolupráce na zajištění exkurzního bloku Bio-Geo - příprava workshopu v problematice krajinného managementu na příkladech revitalizací vodních toků v Rakousku).
- "Fluvial-geomorphic analysis of gravel bars in the Labe reach from Střekov to state border".
- TAČR: TH02030509: Risks identification and possibility of support of landscape natural functions in landscape protected areas influenced by climate change.
- Student Grant Competition Project of the University of Ostrava reg. n. SGS05/PřF/2017-2018 - Development and contemporary state of landscape understanding in the Western Carpathians and east-sudetic mountains in context of man impact and recent natural hazard.
- Sediment budget estimation in Skalická Morávka National Nature Monument (Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic)
- Climate Change Adaptation Strategy of the Ostrava City. (link)
- The dried Morávka River (the Hyundai Endowment Fund). (link)
- Quantification of morphological changes in river channels and its impact on flood risk (MORCHFLOOD - PA 05 Environmental Risks) - START - Danube region Project Fund.
- Student Grant Competition Project of the University of Ostrava reg. n. SGS18/PřF/2015-2016: Vývoj krajiny Západních Karpat a východo-sudetských pohoří s ohledem na současné přírodní hazardy.
- RRC/07/2014 DT3 - Scientific and research activities support of Moravian-Silesian Region.
- Expertní zhodnocení příčin a návrh opatření proti urychlenému odtoku a erozi půdy v území Bambovo, parcely č. 1208/92 a dalších v k.ú. Chabičov ve Slezsku (přívalové srážky ze dne 26.5. a 28.5.2014.
- IRP201439 – Creation of new courses for foreign students.
- Ecological and environmental education in Silesian Gate Region.
- POSTDOC-2013 - internal support of postdoc researcher of the University of Ostrava (researcher: RNDr. Václav Škarpich, Ph.D.).
- POSTDOC-2013 - internal support of postdoc researcher of the University of Ostrava (researcher: RNDr. Tomáš Galia, Ph.D.).
- Student Grant Competition Project of the University of Ostrava reg. n. sgs04/PřF/2012 - Slope deformations and valley development in areas built by instable flysch rocks.
- Student Grant Competition Project of the University of Ostrava, reg. n. SGS6/PRF/2011 - Deep seated slope deformation, recent landslides and valley development.
- Monitoring třtiny pobřežní (Calamagrostis pseudophragmites) a přesnější poznání její ekologie, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.
- Student Grant Competition Project of the University of Ostrava, reg. n. SGS5/PřF/2010 - Deep seated slope deformations and their effect on slope and fluvial morphosystems (comparison of morphological response to tectonically uplifted ridges of the Outer Western Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains).
- Student Grant Competition Project of the University of Ostrava reg. n. IGS OU, 31600/1053 (2009) - Typology of Disconnectivity in the Morávka River basin.
2006 - 2008
- Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, no. 205/06/P131: “Geomorphic response of water streams to human disturbance in the area of Western Beskydy Mts”. (link)