Sunday, 21 December 2014

Sediment Matters (Springer)

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New book will be published by Springer - a global publishing company. Book with title Sediment Matters (link) was edited by Peter Heininger and Johannes Cullman. Book presents insights into the complex processes controlling sediment behavior in river basins and into state of the art integrated sediment management concepts.

We participate to chapters:
  • Sediment transport in headwater streams of the Carpathian Flysch belt: its nature and recent effects of human interventions.
  • Aspects of sediment transport in single-thread and anabranching river channels in flysch Carpathians (a case study from the Czech Republic).


New Czech Science Foundation (GACR) Project

Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Jan Hradecký, Ph.D. and RNDr. Václav Škarpich, Ph.D. are members of research team for realization of project - GAČR: 15-02067S (2015-2017) – Optimalization of dendrogeomorphic methods in landslide research. Project will be realized during the years 2015 – 2017. Research will focused to defining optimal spatial position and number of trees for field sampling, determining optimal age/size of trees that most sensitively reflect landslide movements and increasing the efficiency of landslide signal extraction from tree-rings. 
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