Within the fund program
of the State Forest Service (LCR, s.p.) in Czech Republic, project about
bedload sediment regime of Czech Republic torrent streams was received. Main members
of Czech-Rivers research group, namely assistant professors RNDr. Václav
Škarpich, Ph.D., RNDr. Tomáš Galia, Ph.D. and Associate Professor RNDr. Jan
Hradecký, Ph.D. from Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology are participating
in project which will be realized within cooperation of Masaryk University in Brno
and the lead partner Envicons, s.r.o. from Pardubice (Czech Republic).
The main aim of
the project will be focused to bedload sediment regime quantification of
torrent streams in the area of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts., Hrubý Jeseník
Mts., Orlické hory Mts., České středohoří Mts., etc. Target of activity is to
bring the outputs to management practice of bedload sediment material in torrential
streams managed by the State Forest Service in Czech Republic.